How To Apply

How to apply

In order to secure a place for any of our sessions we require you to complete and return a copy of our registration form, along with the sessions you would like your child to attend.  A copy of our Registration Form can be found below.  Alternatively, if you would like a hard copy to fill in by hand, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will print a copy out for you.  Registration forms can be returned electronically by email to or a hard copy direct to the Setting.

Show Rounds

We understand that choosing the right Setting to send your child is such an important decision for parents/carers.  We offer everybody the chance to come and have a look around Over the Rainbow.  It is a great opportunity for you and your child to meet the team, look at the provision we have on offer, and to see the layout of our indoor and outdoor space.  It gives you the time to ask any questions and to talk through any worries you may have.  It gives us the chance to get to know your child and learn from you what makes them unique, their likes, dislikes and any specific needs they may have for us to ensure they have the best possible experience and opportunities for learning, development and fun.

Please get in touch with us if you would like to book a time to come and have a look around Over the Rainbow.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Settling in Sessions

After your initial show round, we invite your child to have some settling in sessions with us.  This is usually three sessions in total, but we can be flexible depending on the needs of your child.  We recommend that the sessions gradually increase in time to get your child more used to the routines of the day and spending more time separated from you.  They will have the chance to develop a bond with their Key Person, which will help to support them with their transition to Over the Rainbow and to help with any separation anxiety they may experience.  We understand this can be an emotional time for both you and your child – especially if this is the first time you have trusted anyone else to care for your child, and is a completely normal part of the experience.  Members of the team will be on hand to support you both, and to reassure and communicate with you throughout the settling in process, transition period and beyond.

Patterns of settling in that we have found quite effective are:

Session one : 9.30am – 10.30 am – Parents/carers may or may not stay with their child.  Some parents like to stay for a short period then leave for the remaining shorter period of time.

Session two: 9.30am-11.30am – Parents/carers do not usually stay for the whole session and collect their child just before lunch

Session three: 9.30-12.30pm – Parents/Carers do not stay for the session.  The child enjoys lunch with us.

However, every child and each family is unique.  These times are a guide only and we will discuss with you in advance what you feel most comfortable with.  Some parents feel like their child is already confident in new situations and doesn’t need as many settling in sessions – this is absolutely fine too!  We are totally guided by you as parents and carers as you know your child best and are ready to support you in your decision.